Monday, September 24, 2012

Day of Surgery!

Thank you everyone whom has helped get us here, whether it is emotional help, or donating or even just saying a prayer!

Bella's surgery went really well today! We woke up at 6am and were on the road by 6:45, we drove 3 hours to get to Sun Valley Animal Hospital and when we got there Bella was shaking like crazy! She really didn't even sleep on the way there maybe an hour total! Mommy was nervous as well, we talked to the doctor and after that I broke down crying, I hate leaving my baby for anything!

We left her there at 10:30 and got a phone call she was done and starting to wake up from anesthesia at 12:27, and were then told we could pick her up earlier than expected at 3! So for anyone that has ever been to Ketchum/Hailey/Sun Valley there is nothing to do! So we wasted 5 hours, saw a museum, ate some lunch, walked around Albertson's and Kings, and walked around Ketchum and got some coffee! When we picked her up I was so relieved, they took x-rays of her back and her hips and her right leg and then showed us the x-rays when we picked her up! WOW! Her back and hips look great for now, she will eventually need surgery for the other leg but that will be another day!

I will try to keep this updated day to day with pics and what not but I'm not very good at keeping it up to date as it is!

Thank you all again!

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